Don’t see the length of your training…see the life.

“Don’t see the length of your training, see the life.” I would have forgotten I said this had a student not reminded me.

I often hear the question, “How long until I get this?” or “How long will it take you to teach me this?”  There really isn’t an answer to this. I can’t tell you how long it’s going to take you to learn something and quite honestly you may have not had enough life experiences to be able to fully grasp it. No, that doesn’t make you incapable of this. However; a lot of times actors end up doing themselves a disservice by trying to jump ahead too soon in their training. We all learn at different paces and we all learn differently. Don’t look at your training as, “Wow, I’ve been doing this for 3 months and still can’t emotionally connect.” instead look at it as, “Wow, I’ve been doing this for 3 months and I can break down a script so much better.”

Acting is like working out..if you continue to do the same work out everyday then your body gets used to it. Acting is doing. We have to keep our muscle memory fresh. Experience different things in life. Allow yourself to feel new things. Training never stops. Training is life long journey.

Is it me or does the crisp fall air and smell of autumn make things just make so much more sense?

Life is good.

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